So I went to see Feadz, Mehdi and Vicarious Bliss on Friday at Paradise Factory in Manchester. As the battle continues to rage for domination of the city's nightlife, Sankeys had gathered a particularly potent strikeforce in the shape of Herve and Simian Mobile Disco, leaving paradise factory fairly barren for a large proportion of the night. For me though, this one was a no-brainer, Feadz is quite simply one of the most ridiculously ambidextrous and talented DJs out there right now and Mehdi provides an unrivalled party vibe. Neither disappointed, bringing an arsenal of bombs which blew paradise factory's intimate atmosphere to smithereens.
A serious raucous was caused as Feadz dropped this absolute A-bomb.
SebastiAn - Dog
Sounding as though Hardcore stalwarts Terror have come rushing out of the trenches bayonets in hand only to be gunned down by the frenetic machine-gun cut up edit style of SebastiAn, this is shell-shockingly good.


Upstairs was hosted by two of Manchester's finest electronic institutions Sex with Robots Vs. Prostitutes and Policemen. Despite the destruction taking place downstairs they managed to maintain a pretty steady number of comrades, punishing them with some of the most explosive sounds around...
Dusty Kid - The Kitten
Alex and Graeme have got some fantastic things lined up over the next few months included a double-header birthday party of Switch and MSTRKRFT & Les Petits Pilous, make sure you don't miss out by checking them out on myspace. Prostitutes & Policemen
Over and out,
A distinctive war theme running through your post today Dan. Has someone been watching too much TV again?!
wilkins seems to appear wherever you or elizabeth go. i can't wait to meet him for real. what a character he will be!
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