Re-entry in 5, 4, 3, 2...
Real life and its many diverions and distractions have left this blog barren and unkempt, I'll be honest, it's never going to be a thesis of mass literary proportions, but stick with me..
I was inspired to write this post by the number of issues plaguing me having just listened to the new Deadmau5 album.
It is an unusual piece of work, both varied and contemporary but a brief skim of the tracklisting makes disappointing reading, no 'Desynchronised', no 'The Reward Is Cheese' and you can forget summer's filter-disco tinged 'Hi Friend'; not a good start.
Deadmau5 has always been somewhat of an anomally for me, equally able to produce moments of brilliance alongside frustratingly average trance-tinged chart fodder. Earlier in our sodden summer he orchestrated a performance at Creamfields that had an amalgamated crowd of fans from every strain of dance music packing out the Radio One arena eagre to hear what has got everyone - from the world's most infamous, arena busting DJ; Tiesto through to resident DJs in the sweat-soaked back rooms of the UK's most underground nights - incorperating his productions into their sets, or at least just to see his unnerving and oversized flashing mouse head in which he chooses to perform; the kind of costume to send ket-heads frantically scurrying for cover on all fours.

The performance was entertaining and energetic in equal measures, with the music spanning everything from extreme distortion electro-house à la Justice, through prog. house and his electrofied remixes of trance classics such as Energy 52's 'Cafe Del Mar' and Hybrid's 'Finished Symphony'. In a live environment this worked phenomenaly, covering all bases and providing the diversification required for such a crowd, however on 'Random Album Title' this comes across as a slightly strained and conceited attempt to gain mainstream support and the financial benefits that it comes gold-plated with.
The minimalistic warpings of opener 'Sometimes Things Get, Whatever' reminiscent of a decent Kompakt release are soon lost amongst the faux-epic trance crescendos of 'Brazil' and 'Arguru' which simply pound down the well trodden path of the 'build-breakdown-anthem' format, albeit at a lower BPM. Despite its attempts to appeal across all boards the album clearly allays itself more closely to the tech-trance-electro behemoth rode by Armin Van Buuren et al. 'I Remember' is a particularly tacky, oversweetened creation deserved of a place on the most abismal bargain bin of 'Electro House Nation' compilations, both leaving a sickly taste in your mouth.
It is the failure to include the more discordant, riotous tracks we know he is cable of which is most most disappointing and with new releases and remixes surfacing week upon week, there is no doubting the work ethic and enthusiasm of Deadmau5 (real name Joel Zimmerman) but he must be wary to avoid the title of 'jack (or should that be mouse?) of all trades, king of none'.
There are some saving graces, 'Faxing Berlin' has been duly praised as one of beatport's most successful downloads, with over 30,000 devotees falling for its beautiful progression and warm waves of synth recollective of some of Sasha's best, but such a magnificent track should be featured in its full 9 minute glory rather than the two separate morsels we are presented with.
Earlier track 'Slip' also meandres through darkly brooding territory with an air of impressive classical composition about it, however these moments simply highlight the underlying disappointment at what could have been a spectacular debut.
Here's those he 'forgot' to include:
Deadmau5 - Hi Friend [Direct Link]
Deadmau5 - Fifths [Direct Link]
Deadmau5 Vs. Jelo - The Reward Is Cheese [Zippyshare Link]
Deadmau5 - Desynchronised [Divshare Link]